Holy Rob Bloom - Age 5

"I don't like Holbyla"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

more storytime!

this boy wrote a book about odd fish. he acted parts out and was crazy.

storytime with unko dan!

unko dan is famos!

my unko dan wrote a book. we went to hear him read it out loud. two other boys read books out loud allso. but unko dan was the main attraction.

my airplane is gorgeos!

waiting for paint to dry.....

i got all my airplane pieces painted and am watching the paint dry. this project is taking a long time.

thanks mr. tim!

mr. tim gived me a model airplane to build. it has lots of pieces and paint and glue.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

legos galore!

we builded all these legos over the weekend with max! it was fun! legos rock!

not fair!

unko bens and max got to go kayaking on the chicago river. chester and i are too litle so we didn't get to go. not fair! but aunties took us over to the river to watch them go by.

i met spongebob!

i met the president!

i met batman!

chester and i met allot of famos people at the lego place! batman!

lego rain forest!

we walked thru a lego rain forest. we rested on a lily pad. thats a lego hippo butt next to us! see the cute lego frogs on the rock?

lego tiger!

the sears tower!

we are supposed to call the sears tower the willis tower now but that sounds stupid so i'm not doing it. anyway this is the lego sears tower!


my haf brother max came to visit and we all went to lego discovery center! it was awesome. they have a chicago made out of legos! thats the chicago theatre!

unko bens made me a special cookie!

like sleeping in a cloud

chester and i had a long week in california. meetings, disneyland, meetings, tree climbing, meetings. we were pooped at the end of the week.

this looks like a good place for a treehouse!

after sitting in boring meetings all day chester and i needed to stretch our legs so we climbed some palm trees. thhey were just our size.

boooring! plus shoutout.

we had to go to some meetings with aunties. boring! but we met allot of new people. allso i want to give a big shoutout to will! hi will!

i want that treehouse please!

the happiest place on earth!


this is my thrid visit to disneyland in three years! and chester came with me! it was his first. we rode the matterhorn. scary!

Monday, August 03, 2009

carnation made a friend!

making cookies with unko bens!

unko bens and i made choclite chip cookies! i was in charge of the whisking and the chips bag. allso i got to lick out the bowl.

thanks gramma!

gramma made me these cool plaid pants! now i just need some doc martens and i am set.