Holy Rob Bloom - Age 5

"I don't like Holbyla"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

not me!

....and climbing back down!!

....what the?????.....

....and MORE climbing......

....and more climbing....

.....turns into rock climbing.....

a nice walk in the woods....


i pretended this rock was going to fall on me and my super strong arms saved my life!

this is for you mommies!

enough with the learning!

aunties showed me stuff and made the trip educational since i was missing school. there was a lot of islands around our island.

i love my unko bens!

unko bens and i spent some time bonding on the montain. it was super high up.


i like to relax and enjoy the views.

me and aunties!

this graveyard has zombies!

i drewed this!

we went to lunch at chilis and i got to draw a piture. i drewed myself!


we went to bangor one day and saw this paul bunyon guy. i don't know who he is but he is tall. we tried to find stephen king's house too.

that bridge is adorable!

we did lots of rock climbing!

i love this state!

we went to maine for ten days. we were on a island. we did lots of hiking and looking at the ocean. sometimes it was foggy and spooky.

we went to maine!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

i love my new sweater!

it got pretty cool outside and went from summer to sweater weather. i finaly got to wear the sweater doris gave me in july. i love it! it is super soft and has striped sleeves and a pink flamigo! thank you doris! allso it matches chairy and carnation!

no taksies-backsies!

unko bens came home from work with this hoodie for me to try one. it was from miss shannon. i put it on and looked all cool like pete wenz and then unko bens says i have to give it back! not fair!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

you want a frosty with that?

i got a wig! it is awesome. i look just like that wendy girl!

home cookin'

unko bens and i made chocolite chip cookies from scratch! i got to whisk the cookies on the cookie sheet. it is the most important part of the cooking process. it makes the cookies light and fluffy.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

first day of school!

yesterday was my frist day of school this year. i am in first grade again but i have a new teacher this year. a boy teacher. his name is mr. vaghn. aunties walked me to school. i regulury take the bus. you remember last year i did home school and wrote my train report. i hope i meet some friends.