Holy Rob Bloom - Age 5

"I don't like Holbyla"

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


aunties says she sees why i need to improve my listening skills. i can have one zinger for my good grades.

more report card!

aunties and unko bens have to discuss my attendance with my teacher. i need to improve my listening skills and habits and attitudes? what?

look at my report card!

i got my report card. i did pretty good. i got allot of Gs and As. those are goods and acceptables. i don't know why i got a N in music. i have a voice like an angel!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

email from gamma!

Happy Valentine's Day
to you -- I saw your
recent blog, and the
Chicago museum looks
like so much fun -- I'll
need to look that over!
I'm glad your flannel
shirt is keeping you warm. Molly doesn't try
to scoot out the door
when it's this cold and
Have a fun day !!
Love you, Grandma B

what have we here?

sometimes we eat at tgifridays. the food is pretty yucky.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i love you angie!

oh angie! i am going to think of you when i eat the chocolate i love you. allso the flower is very pretty. you are my best girlfriend. i hope you are missing me. your best boyfriend, holy


look what i got from angie!

i got mail!

today is valetines day and i got a big envelop in the mail! it was from angie! it had a piture on the back of me and angie. i am dreaming of angie and angie is dreaming of me! i was so excited i wanted to open it before taking my coat off!

Monday, February 12, 2007

i love chicago!

the history museum is the best!


i see you windin' and grindin' up on that pole
i know you see me lookin' at you and you already know

i like your pretty dress.


i rode an olden days train.

i rode the first el ever invented!

i'm flying!

look at me flying thruough the air along the train tracks! i'm like a bird!

i'm a hot 1/2 dog!

i played inside a big chicago hotdog. i'm holding the mustard!

look mommies! no feet!

i learned history!

the museum made me smarter. this is abrahem lincoln. he was the first president of illinois.

i'm in olden days chicago!


we went to the chicago history museum!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

i'm at a bar!

after the museum aunties and i met unko bens and his friends at a bar. they have brownies and ice cream! uh.....i'm not drinking from that glass.

i got some learning

i went to a museum with aunties, aunt elizabeth and unko kil. we saw dead bodies with no skins! it was gross. you couldn't take pitures of the bodies but when i close my eyes i can still see them so i don't need pitures.

thats my balloon!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

is it time to go home?

uh.....no thanks

i am back at aunties office again because it is too cold for me to stand at the busstop. i am trying to fill mr. mark's shoes but i don't even fill one. and it is stinky. if there was more snow outside i could go sledding in it.

Monday, February 05, 2007

i'm working hard for my money!

i've decided to help aunties at work. i am sitting at mr. mark's desk since he isn't here. i am taking his calls and working on his spreadsheets. what's a pivot table?

so cold so cold

today it is less than zero degrees outside and allot less than zero on the windshield so i went to work with aunties. she told me to do some math on her chalkboard but i drew a picture of tina turner instead. if you are outside you have an icebox where your heart used to be. i got an icebox where my heart used to be. so co0000-old. i'm so cold so cold.