Holy Rob Bloom - Age 5

"I don't like Holbyla"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

i'm totes adorbs!

holbyla again!

its not all about you holbyla!


little JD and i are relaxing before our big day. we are going to go to work with unko bens tomorrow and get allot of candy. and then we get to go trick or treat tomorrow night.

does this make my butt look big?

trick or treat!

we are ready to get some candy! i am a bee. little JD is a devil again. and holbyla is pinhead. its not fair that holbyla gets to wear makeup but he has about 30 pins stuck in his head so i guess it evens out.


its almost halloween!

little JD and i got to make a jack o latern. since little JD is older he got to do the cutting. i got to scoop out the seeds and strings.

so i sent in my zombie army!

and then holbyla showed up!

and aunties said we had to let him play allso. even tho there are only two boys in the movie! not fair! holbyla is still my frenemy!

i don't know how to quit you little JD!

one night we played one of our favrite games. brokeback montain. i wore my flannel shirt just like enis del mar and we played in the tent.

hangin' wit little JD

little JD and i have been having allot of fun this week. the new AG catalog came in the mail and we picked out all the presents he is going to get me for winter solstice.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

look who came to visit!

little JD came to visit me again! he is staying with me for awhile. we are going to dress up for halloween and play and do a pumkin and watch movies and make cookies and have tea parties and do all the things you do when you are in a bromance!

thats my beer!

i went out after work with unko bens, aunties and unko bens worker friends. including my new friend miss shannon. we ate pizza and had drinks. i was all growed up.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

thats winnie!

unko bens made this little poo nugget all by hisself out of felt and threads! i got to name him so i named him winnie. unko bens used holbyla as a pin cushion! i don't like holbyla.

gossip holy here

a certain bow tie wearing someone has become me and unko bens new favrite tv person. when you run with the big haf-dogs you have to carry a big stick. now let me get this done so i can start bragging about it.
you know you love me.
gossip holy

scoops and squares!

every night unko bens and i would get either scoops (ice cream) or squares (fudge) for a snack. on the last night of vacation i got both!


i collected lots of pinecones in the woods. i bringed them home for show and tell.

its a scarey seaweed monster!

i'm chillaxin' on the rocks!

aunt tam this is for you!

we looked at this lighthouse. people live in it so we couldn't go inside. or walk in their yard. or play on the swingset.

hello little catipiller!

i made it to the top of the montain!

i'm america's next top model!

i'm elongating my neck and working my angles. fierce!

look at the view!

we stopped part way up the montain to rest and look at the view.

hello little slug!

more climbing!

we went back into the woods for more climbing over rocks and up hills. vacation is hard work!


thats a big boat!

we floated past a cruise boat. there were some people on it waving at us. i waved to the people.

i'm swabbing the deck!

i'm sailing!

we went out on a skooner. its a bit boat and had two doggies on it. i wish i had my yahting outfit on!


maybe i'll join the circus when i grow up. i an be the first haf dog-haf human canonball!

what did that sign say?


its a mushroom!

i found this mushroom but i didn't see any smurfs around. or keebler elfs. maybe its one of those magic ones.

i'm on a bridge!

all hiking and no play make holy a dull boy

i got to play on the beach. there weren't any other kids around. and it was kinda cold. and it wasn't really a beach.